Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ophiuchus, the 13th sign - part one

In my last entry, I described the difference between the Tropical and Siereal Zodiac Systems in Astrology. (I adhere to Sidereal Hellenic and Roman methods of astrology and augury, by the way).

In this installment of my journal, I will tell you all about the forgotten thirteenth sign of the Zodiac: Ophiuchus

If you'd like to learn more about Traditional Greco-Roman Astrology or the constellation and zodia Ophiuchus, read on!

The Zodia Scorpio is actually composed of TWO constellations, Scorpius and Ophiuchus.

In order to understand the above statement, you need to understand the definition of and difference between three things:
1. "Sun sign"
2. Constellation
3. Zodiac

Let's unpack each of these terms, so that we can understand what they really mean - both astronomically and astrologically.

"sun sign" - this refers to the sign or zodia against which the sun appears in the chart; it takes about a month for the sun to traverse a particular sign or zodia. This concept is based upon our view from here on Earth and is often refered to as "geocentric" because it appears as if the sun, moon, asteroids, and planets are moving around us.
NOTE: If one uses the Tropical zodiac system, the "sun sign" of the person isn't even related to the actual constellation (see below) of the same name - but rather where the constellations were hundreds or thousands of years ago!

constellation - in modern astronomy there are 88 constellations; these constellations are "official" in that the IAU declared them to be the official way to divide up the sky in 1930. Different cultures throughout history have had different constellations - and myths associated with them - but the ones used by the IAU were predominantly from the Greek and Roman cultures. If you want to learn more about the different constellations here is a good list of online star charts.

Zodiac - the imaginary belt of the heavens, which extends approximately 8° on either side of the ecliptic, within which are the apparent paths of the sun, moon, astroids and principal planets. It contains thirteen actual constellations which are divided into twelve divisions called signs of the zodiac or zodia. Each division, however, because of the precession of the equinoxes, now contains the constellation west of the one from which it took its name.

Now let's look at the constellations that compose the zodia of Scorpius.

First, here what Scorpius looks like:
See that blue line? That's the ecliptic - now look at how narrow the white area is at that point... that means that it takes only about six or seven days for the sun to move through this region of the ecliptic. This means that if you are born during the first six days of the zodia Scorpio, the constellation that the sun was in was Scorpius.

This corresponds closely to the system of Decantes which the ancient astronomer/astrologer Manilius proposed in his work Astronomica. What are decantes you ask? They are a way of dividing the zodia into 3 decans or decantes of 10° each; each of the decans is associated with a zodia sign, ruler, and particular feeling or mood.

The decan of the zodia Scorpio that the constellation Scoripus is associated with has the following qualities according to Manilius:

First Decan of Scorpio = Decan of Scorpius
constellation Scorpius
decante degrees 0°-10°
decante ruler Saturn/Kronos
decante zodia Capricorn
decante association labor, cruelty, or suffering

Now let's look at the constellation of Ophiuchus:
See how much more white area there is in Ophiuchus? Ophiuchus' section of the ecliptic is approximately twice as large as that of Scorpius. This corresponds neatly with Manilius' second and third decans of the zodia Scorpio:

Second Decan of Scorpio = First Decan of Ophiuchus
constellation Ophiuchus
decante degrees 11°-20°
decante ruler Uranus/Ouranous
decante zodia Aquarius
decante association transformation and rebirth

Third Decan of Scorpio = Second Decan of Ophiuchus
constellation Ophiuchus
decante degrees 21°-30°
decante ruler Neptune/Poseidon
decante zodia Pisces
decante association the supernatural or Numinous

In my next installment, I will discuss the myths associated with each of these signs, how those myths relate to the attributes of each constellation in astrology, and catasterism.

An Intro to Traditional Hellenic and Roman Astrology

Tropical vs. Sidereal Zodiac or: "What do you mean the astrology chart doesn't match the stars overhead?!?!"

The first - and most important way that the ancient astrology practised by the Greeks and Romans (as well as the systems practised by the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Hindus) differs from typical Western modern astrology is that we look at the skies overhead in two totally different ways. We each divide the sky up differently, which is important. The systems use two different ways of dividing the skies - or zodia. This is a difference between what I call zodia and topoi in the Classical Pagan system, and what you would call "signs" and "houses" in your zodiacal system.

So what is the difference between the two systems? Let's find out!

First, if you look at an astrological ephemeris or table with the positions of the planets according to the tropical zodiac division system of the sky for today, 7th May, 2008, this is what you would see:
  • Sun 17 TA 18
  • Moon 15 GE 39
  • Mercury 07 GE 22
  • Venus 08 TA 32
  • Mars 28 CN 45
  • Jupiter 22 CP 22
  • Saturn 01 VI 42
  • Uranus 21 PI 40
  • Neptune 24 AQ 09
  • Pluto 00 CP 50

Hmmm.... now let's see what is in the sky overhead. Since most of us probably live in cities - where light pollution is a problem - or even in regions far, far apart from one another, let's find an applet to use to illustrate this point! Head over to SkyView Cafe Astronomy - an online Planetarium - if you wanna check out the positions of the planets in relation to the skies above.

Here are the planets in their actual locations in the sky above:
  • Sun 21 AR 57
  • Moon 13 TA 12
  • Mercury 11 TA 47
  • Venus 13 AR 04
  • Mars 03 CN 37
  • Jupiter 27 SA 30
  • Saturn 06 LE 50
  • Uranus 26 AQ 47
  • Neptune 29 CP 17
  • Pluto 05 SA 59 R
Whoah! There's a BIG difference there! Before you think something like "THIS IS HUGH!! I'M SERIES!!!!!" and run amok, let me explain what's up with the stars and planets - and the two zodia systems.
There are two main types of equal-sign solar zodiac. The one used by most modern Western astrologers, the Tropical Zodiac, and the one used by Classical Western and most Eastern astrologers which is called the Sidereal or Vedic Zodiac. (Oh, and this is'nt the same as the different ways of dividing the houses and topoi, one of which is called the Fagan-Bradley version... which I will discuss in a future lession).

Soooo, "what's the difference between these two zodiac systems?" you ask... Well, there's only one difference really, and that is where they begin. The Tropical Zodiac begins in the "sign" of Aries on March the 21st whilst the Sidereal systems currently start with the zodia of Aries about a month later (the actual dates can be found in form here, at a nifty sidereal astrology site). This one point makes for a HUGE difference - according to the Tropical zodiac system you may be a Sun-Sign of Sagittarius and under the Sidereal zodiac system, an Ophiuchus*! This is the effect that a simple disagreement over the zero point of Aries can cause.

Here is a graphic that illustrates the difference between the zodiac systems: The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac Systems comparedThanks to "Vedic Astrology Helpline" @ (This graphic is not meant to be offensive to farmers, ranchers, or others who might use the term "cowboy" or "vaquero" to describe themself... I just liked this because I imagined the illustration being of me telling Prez Bush about sideral astrology.)

So now you are probably wondering how there can be TWO places in the sky called "Aries"... Well, the Sidereal zodiac system's Aries corresponds to where Aries is in the sky overhead. If you use a sky map or astronomical ephemeris, there will be agreement between where the planets are in the chart and where they are on an Sideral astrology chart. There is no disagreement between astrology, astronomy, and the stars overhead when using a sidereal zodiac system.

The Tropical zodiac system's sign of Aries corresponds to where Pisces is in the sky - and to where Pisces is in the Sidereal zodiac system. This is important, because (for example) the Sun is seen to be in the constellation Pisces when the Vernal Equinox occurs around March 21st each year. This is why Classical Astrologers and other people say that this is the Age of Pisces. The Sun is in Pisces at the beginning of Spring - which was the beginning of the year on some ancient calendars. The Tropical zodiac system can be seen to be from the Age of Aries since it expects the Sun to be in that constellation at the beginning of Spring... and this shows us that astrology is very, very, VERY old.
So... now that you see the difference between the two types of Zodiacal Systems, let's talk about another difference between Classical and Modern Astrology - the "zodia" or "signs" of astrology.


The next most important concept to understand when studying or using Hellenic Astrology is that of the zodia. Zodia are what are called "signs" in modern Astrological systems - the 30 degree divisions of the Tropical Zodiac which are named Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. I will give their full characteristics in another post, but for now it's enough to just know that "zodia" are the same as "signs".
Hellenic Astrology uses house=sign chart design. This is different from many of the house systems used in most modern Astrology. In Hellenic Astrology, the houses are called topoi or topos in the singular; this is Greek for "place" and has the same connotation as "house" does in modern Astrology... for example, the second topos is the topos of land, material goods, and talents. Because each topos = a single zodia, it becomes very easy to see the relationships between planets based upon the relationships between their polarity, modalities, and elements. It is the interactions between these qualities of the planets that provide the key to understanding and interpreting an aspect pattern within a chart (either personal or mundane).
The major difference between aspects as used in Hellenic Astrology and aspects used in Modern Astrology is that aspects are determined according to topoi and zodia as opposed to individual planets. For example, all planets within a single zodia and topoi are considered to be aspected to all of the planets in another zodia and topoi. The aspects that are discussed within Hellenic Astrology are often referred to as the "Platonic Aspects" as they were first outlined and described in Ptolemy's work Tetrabiblos.
The Ptolemaic aspects are:
The Opposition:
  • the planets are separated by six zodia (or 180 degrees)
  • the planets share the same polarity and modality
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the line
The Trine:
  • the planets are separated by four zodia (or 120 degrees)
  • the planets share the same element
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the triangle
The Square (also known as Quartile):

  • the planets are separated by three zodia (or 90 degrees)
  • the planets share the same modality, but have different elements
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the square
The Sextile:
  • the planets are separated by two zodia (or 60 degrees)
  • the planets share the same polarity, but have different elements and modalities
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the hexagon
The Conjunction:
  • not an "aspect" as such in Hellenic Astrology, but rather a sharing of the same Zodion by two or more planets.
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the point
The conjunction is important (even more important than all of the other aspects!) in that the planets that share the same zodion or "sign" are seen to work together and will influence each other within the life of the individual or during the event being studied.
The planets within the shared zodion may work together so well and with such a common mind that they combine their energies. Because the two planets (like the two Gods that represent them) are united in their goal and motivation - differing only in their personalities - they can become intimately connected. The closer that the two planets are to each other (based upon the number of degrees between them) added to whether or not they are applying (moving closer to each other) or separating (moving apart from each other), can cause the two planets to actually fuse into one force within the chart. This is especially important because even when the two planets separate later, they will still be acting in one force - just in two different places in the chart. (For example, consider an individual who has Venus and Neptune in the same zodia at birth... for their entire life, where ever Venus or Neptune are in their chart, it will act as Venus+Neptune. This means that they will often be feeling the influence of Venus+Neptune in two different topoi! In a future post, I will discuss polarity, the elements, and modalities - which will help to illustrate the different dynamics that each aspect will produce within a chart.
* - What? What the heck is this "Ophiuchus" you speak of? Well, that is what my next entry will be about... the 13th sign of the zodiac that you've prolly never even heard of!

'Till next time...
Peace, Blessings, and may you and yours be in Harmony with the Skies!

--Claudia Iuliania Minervina

Monday, April 21, 2008

See Mercury after Sunset!

As I have mentioned earlier, we are entering a period where it will be possible for visual amateur astronomers to get a glimpse of the most elusive of the heavenly bodies, the fleet-footed messenger of the Gods, Mercury. Joe Rao, in his latest article has written an excellent overview of Mercury and how to view this planet in the evening skies for both Hellenic Pagan Astronomers and Astrologers:

See Mercury, the Elusive Planet
by: Joe Rao, Skywatching Columnist
(visit )

The planet Mercury is often cited as the most difficult of the five brightest naked-eye planets to see. Because it's the planet closest to the Sun, it never strays too far from the Sun's vicinity in our sky. It is often referred to as "the elusive planet." And there's even a rumor that Copernicus, never saw it, yet it's not really hard to see. You simply must know when and where to look, and find a clear horizon. And for those living in the Northern Hemisphere, a great "window of opportunity" for viewing Mercury in the evening sky is about to open up.

Mercury is called an "inferior planet" because its orbit is nearer to the Sun
than the Earth's. Therefore, it always appears from our vantage point to be
in the same general direction as the Sun. In the pre-Christian era, this
planet actually had two names, as it was not realized it could alternately
appear on one side of the Sun and then the other. Mercury was called Mercury when in the evening sky, but was known as Apollo when it appeared in
the morning. It is said that Pythagoras, about the fifth century B.C.,
pointed out that they were one and the same.

A bright evening "star"
Mercury just passed superior conjunction on April 16, but in the days to come it will bolt out to become easily visible low in the west-northwest at dusk. On Wednesday evening, April 23, Mercury should be visible within about 30 minutes after sunset if your sky is quite clear. Mercury will be shining at magnitude -1.6, slightly brighter than Sirius (the brightest of all stars). In fact, at that particular hour of the day, Mercury will be the brightest object in the sky!
So, if your sky is free of any horizon haze and there are no tall obstructions to your view (like trees or buildings) you should have no trouble in seeing it as a very bright "star" shining with just a trace of a yellowish-orange tinge. By April 30,
Mercury will be setting as late as 85 minutes after the Sun. That evening,
binoculars may show the Pleiades star cluster 4 degrees directly above it. (Your
clenched fist held at arm's length measures about 10 degrees in width.)
In the evenings that follow, Mercury will slowly diminish in brightness, but it will also slowly gain altitude as it gradually moves away from the vicinity of the Sun. This is just the start of Mercury's best apparition of the year for mid-northern viewers. On the evening of May 6, be sure to look for a delicately thin sliver of a 1.5-day old crescent Moon sitting just a couple of degrees above and slightly to Mercury's right.

Pinnacle: May 14
Mercury, like Venus, appears to go through phases like the Moon. Right now, Mercury is a nearly full disk, which is why it starts off appearing so bright. Mercury reaches its greatest elongation, 22 degrees to the east of the Sun, on May 14. Shining at magnitude +0.4 (as bright as the star Procyon in Canis Minor), it will set nearly two hours after the Sun. By the time it arrives at its greatest elongation, it will
appear roughly half-illuminated and the amount of its surface illuminated by the
Sun will continue to decrease in the days to come. So when it begins to turn
back toward the Sun's vicinity after May 14, it will fade at a rather rapid
In fact, on the evening of May 22, Mercury's brightness will have
dropped to magnitude +1.7; only 1/20 as bright as it was on April 23. In
telescopes it will appear as a narrowing crescent phase. This, in all likelihood
will be your last view of it, for the combination of its lowering
altitude, plus its descent into the brighter sunset glow will finally render Mercury
invisible by the final week of May.

Orbital peregrinations
In old Roman legends, Mercury was the swift-footed messenger of the gods. The planet is well named for it is the closest planet to the Sun (at an average distance of 36 million miles) and the swiftest of the Sun's family, averaging about 30 miles
per second; making its yearly journey in only 88 Earth days. Interestingly, the
time it takes Mercury to rotate once on its axis is 59 days, so that all parts
of its surface experiences periods of intense heat and extreme cold. But we
cannot say that a solar day on Mercury lasts 59 days because its highly
eccentric orbit causes an effect known as a 3:2 spin�orbit resonance. As a
consequence, because Mercury rotates three times for every two times it revolves
around the Sun, the time it takes from one sunrise to the next is equal to about
176 days.
So for 88 days, the Sun is constantly above the horizon and surface temperatures soar to nearly 900 degrees F (482-degrees C). Daytime temperatures are high enough to melt zinc and tin. Then comes 88 days of darkness, with surface temperatures plummeting to -300 degrees F (-184 degrees C) — the greatest range of temperatures of any planet.
In fact, on some parts of Mercury's surface, it is even possible to see the Sun briefly reverse its course in the sky. This happens around the time that Mercury arrives at that part of its orbit which places it closest to the Sun (called perihelion), where it's orbital speed can briefly exceed its rotational speed.
At sunrise, this strange effect would cause the Sun to appear to rise above the horizon ... then slow to a halt ... then reverse direction and drop back below the
horizon. At sunset, the Sun would drop below the horizon, then pop back up into
view before resuming its normal course, ultimately setting again for a second
time within a week.

Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.

Monday, April 7, 2008

4 Mounykhion

Today is sacred to Hermes, Aphrodite, and Eros.

Orphic Hymns of the Day:

Moon in Taurus: The key words for the Zodia of Taurus are feminine, fruitful, intellectual, inflexible, of short ascention (in the Northern Hemisphere), earthy, and nocturnal. It is easy to see why Aphrodite was seen to "rule" this Zodia according to traditional Greek and Roman Astrology. This Zodia is much more amenable to fair Aphrodite, and it will provide a relief from the past two days' stay in Aries; we are to recognise what it means to be persistent in matters and to reconnect with our earthy, practical side during this period.

Moon in Taurus sextile Uranus and North Node in Aquarius: The Zodia of Aquarius is considered to be masculine, sterile (like the ocean was thought to be before scientists learned what we currently know about the variety of the benthic biome and marine biology), scientific, inflexible, giving eloquence, attuned to the path of serving, airy, and spiritual. This is an excellent space for Ouranos to express himself. The message of this aspect is that the Gods want us to begin to use our humanitarian natures, universal tolerance, scientific knowledge, and beliefs to solve the problems - such as the Iraq/Afghani occupation, the economy, global warming, pollution, and problems with the educaitonal system - that affect the entire community of mankind. This aspect encourages us - much like the commentary of Al Gore - that we can solve the problems that face us with innovative thinking and hard work.

Moon in Taurus sextile Mars in Gemini: this aspect continues.

Moon in Taurus square Neptune and Chiron in Capricorn:

Moon in Taurus trine Juno, Pluto, and Jupiter in Sagittarius: This is a modification of the aspect we experienced on the 2nd Mounykhion. Juno and Jupiter have joined Pluto in the Zodia of Sagittarius. This is a particularly powerful aspect as we have Zeus, Hera, and Hades together in a sign that has the following attributes: masculine, fruitful (a powerful placement for Chthonian and Olympian dieties), reproductive, flexible, of long ascention (in the Northern Hemisphere), fiery, energetic, bicorporeal and ambitious. These are the Gods who have rulership over the created order and the realm of the dead traversing through the Zodia which deals with the mind, religion and faith, journeys, and the environment. This aspect is the Gods' way of calling us to become aware of the importance of these subjects in our lives; the Gods are asking us to each discover who we are, what we believe, and what our gifts are so that as we enter this time we can work together to effect change in cultural and religious awareness, social justice issues, and public policy. It is crucial that we act now, or we will experience the ill effects of ignoring the promptings of the Gods.

Moon in Taurus trine Saturn Retrograde in Leo:

3 Mounykhion

Today is sacred to the Birth of Athena.

The Moon is still in Aries and is sextile Mars in Gemini: This aspect placement combines the properties of Moon in Aries (which I described in yesterday's entry) with the properties of Mars in the Zodion of Gemini. The Zodion of Gemini is classified as being of short ascention (in the Northern Hemisphere), airy, spiritual, bicorporeal, communicative, and can be volatile... which is an interesting place for Ares to express himself. When Ares experiences the Gemini Zodion, he reacts in a more mental manner than we are accustomed to seeing in the God of War.

If we want to handle this aspect and be in harmony with the Gods today, we should consider how our thoughts and communications will affect others. Before we speak too quickly, it is wise to consider how the feelings and emotions of others might be impacted by our statements. If we work to balance the energies of Ares, Demeter, and Hermes in our lives today, we can enjoy quick thinking, innovative solutions to problems, creative insights and the energy to carry them out, positive communications and a drive towards intellectual achievements and goals.

If we do not seek to balance these energies and honor the gods, we will likely experience fluctuating energy levels, frustration at those around us, argumentativeness, malaise, a lack of energy to follow things through, and a possibly malicious tongue.

From the Gods' places in the skies to our lives!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

2nd Mounykhion

Moon in Aries: Today Selene and Demeter are in the zodia of Aries, which means that we need to be aware of what they are telling us. The Moon in Aries has the positive effects of allowing us to experience, according to which topos - or house - Aries occupies in our birth charts, strong emotional responses, the ability to react and respond to stimiuli and events, and the ability to change behaviour and habit patterns. The negative effects of The Moon in Ares are that we may be more impatient and irritable than usual - as our feelings and emotions are in danger of being affected by Ares, the God of Conflicts and Struggle.

Today it is important to identify when we want to be short or irritable with others, and then try to temper that with the kindness and understanding of Selene and Demeter. This mindfullness will help us to use the creative energies of this aspect between the Gods to our advantage.

Venus in Pisces: Let's learn what this powerful combination of Planet and Zodia means for us in light of Hellenic Paganism and Astrology; this placement encourages us to be loving and sympathetic to those around us. When Aphrodite is found in Pisces, she encourages us to do or make something artistic, musical, or otherwise creative. This is a time when we can call upon the Goddess, and the Muses along with her, to help us give birth to acts of art, beauty, creativity, and unconditional love. Venus in Pisces is a time in which we are called to serve others and to provide inspiration to those who need comforting and encouragement.

Venus in Pisces can have some negative effects however, and we must be on the guard against these excesses: seeking egotistical or narcissistic ends in serving others - as in helping others merely to recieve kudos or accolades, seeking to find spiritual comfort and fulfillment through merely physical or romantic relationships, self-deceiving ourselves in our relationships (not just romantic, but all relationships!), self-pitying, and a feeling of "poor me" during this aspect. People who have personality disorders are apt to be particularly unbalanced and/or neurotic during Venus in Pisces, as it is a particularly powerful Zodia for the Goddess to inhabit.

Venus in Pisces is square Pluto Retrograde in Sagittarius: This aspect, even though it is a square or quartile, is a good one for us as Hellenic Pagans to learn from. Modern astrology has given some aspects, such as squares and oppositions, a bad wrap. Let's review the properties of squares in Hellenic thought before we discuss the properties of this particular aspect.


  • the planets involved are separated by three zodia and topoi (or 90 degrees)
  • the planets involved share the same modality, but have different elements and polarity
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the square

This means that Aphrodite in Pisces is in a Zodia that is feminine, fruitful, flexible (also called common), of short ascention (in the Northern Hemisphere), watery, and serving. This is in full harmony with the nature of Aphrodite, and allows her to express herself fully, without conflict or restraint. Pluto in Sagittarius is also in a Zodia that is especially compatable with his nature - his Zodia is masculine, fruitful (a powerful placement for Chthonian dieties), reproductive, flexible, of long ascention (in the Northern Hemisphere), fiery, energetic, bicorporeal and ambitious.

This is a good aspect - despite how "modern astrologers" view it, as both Gods involved are acting comfortably within their respective Zodia while complementing each other in terms of elements and polarity. This aspect is the Gods' way of telling us that we are entering a time when we can all work together to effect change in cultural and religious awareness, social justice issues, and public policy.

From the Gods' places in the skies to our lives!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Meditations for the New Moon in Pisces

Areas where I can improve during this Moon cycle:

  • I want to assert myself constructively and turn my visions into reality

  • I want to take control of the course of my destiny

  • I want to find a true soul-mate with whom I can share my dreams

  • I want to grow in my relationship with my soul-mate

  • I want to develop self-confidence in everything that I undertake

  • I want to deal with my friends and acquaintances with compassion in my heart

Affirmation for this Moon cycle:

Listening to my inner voice will show me the way

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Evening Sky Watch

If you go outside about an hour after sunset on the evening of Tuesday, 8th of April, you will see a conjunction between the Crescent Moon and the Pleiades. It will look similar to the following picture (although the sky will be less dark):
:: :: recommends using binoculars to look at the moon and the star cluster. Below is a star chart (also from that should help you to locate the conjunction for viewing through binoculars or a telescope. The Moon and The Pleiades are both found within the constellation of Taurus, which will be hovering around the horizion after nightfall.
Ptolemy states that the Pleiades have the "qualities of the Moon and Mars mixed together"; this means that we should understand the Pleiades as representing facets of both Demeter and Mars.
This is an interesting conjunction, as it is telling us that we need to process our feelings and emotions dealing with violence, war and oppression. It is no coincidence that today the Pentagon stated it will be reducing tours of duty for tours in Iraq to 12 months instead of the current 15 months while Bush promised yet more troops for support of the Occupation of Afghanistan. How is this possible in a military force that is already stretched to its limits? Will troops who leave Iraq be sent to Afghanistan for another hellish tour? It will be interesting to see how this plays out - especially in light of Ares' and Kronos' places in the zodia.

This conjunction also tells us that we should find balance between action and feeling in response to events in our lives - this is a time for us to stop and ask ourselves if what we are getting angry about is really what is making us angry. Are we really angry at the person who jumps the queue ahead of us - or are we angry that some people think the rules just don't apply to them? Ask Selene, Demeter and The Pleiades to help you learn how to balance your emotions (including anger!) and actions, so that neither rules your life. It is best for a person to know what they are feeling and what they can do with that feeling to effect change in the world around them.

Some other Planets to look for when skygazing:

On the 15th of April, the Gibbous Moon will be directly beneath Saturn in Leo. The Moon and Saturn will be especially close to α Leonis, which is called in ancient Greek Astrology the heart of the lion.

Mars is currently an evening star - look for him in Gemini shining a bright red. On the evening of April 11th and 12th, be sure to look in Gemini, as the Moon will pass 1.2 ° north of Mars.

Mighty Saturn is currently in Leo, where he shines all the way until Eos' rosy rays shine in the East. It will be easy to recognise Saturn, as he is shining at magnitude 0.4 - or 2.5 times brighter than the brightest star in the entire constellation of Leo! (Regulus or α Leonis shines at 1.35 apparent magnitude). Saturn will be particularly beautiful to behold on the 22nd, when the Lyrid meteor shower will peak in the early morning hours. (I will blog later about what I think the Lyrid meteor shower and the Moon's Void of Course on the 22nd have to say about the PA Primary!). Saturn will close out the month due south, having its ascendency at twighlight.

On the evening of the 28th and 29th, Mars will pass 5 ° south of Pollux (β Geminorum) - a fixed star which portends well. The following is a quote from Manilius on β Geminorum:

From the Twins come less laborious callings and a more agreeable way of life,
provided by varied song and voices of harmonious tone, slender pipes, the
melodies inborn in strings and the words fitted thereto : those so endowed find
even work a pleasure. They would banish the arms of war, the trumpet's call, and
the gloom of old age : theirs is a life of ease and unfading youth spent in the
arms of love. They also discover paths to the skies, complete a survey of the
heavens with numbers and measurements, and outstrip the flight of the stars:
nature yields to their genius, which it serves in all things. So many are the
accomplishments of which the Twins are fruitful.

(Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD. p.281)

Mars will close the month of April in proximity to both Castor and Pollux (this will last about a week).

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Sidereal Astrology Almanac

2nd April:

  • The Moon is conjunct Neptune (0°.002 South of Moon) in Capricorn @ 04:00 CDT
  • Pluto is stationary in Sagittarius @ 00:57 CDT - Pluto, while not one of the visible (or Classical) planets, does have an effect on our lives. Pluto is an important God within the Hellenic Pantheon; even though he never sets foot on Mt. Olympus, Pluto is one of the three great Gods (Zeus, Poseidon, and Pluto/Hades). Pluto is the god of death, rebirth, and regeneration. Currently, Pluto is within the sign of Sagittarius, which is seen as being a sign of expansion, learning, and growth. This is a good placement for Dis, and his coming to a stop here before going retrograde shows that expansion is what we need right now. Wherever each of us has Sagittarius in our birth charts is an area of life that we need to look at and assess during this phase of Pluto's journey. It is likely that we have had little experience with the affairs of this house (both in this life and previous lives) and that we have experienced limitations in affairs associated with the house which Sagittarius rules. Pluto is calling us to examine those areas of our lives over the next few days while he is Stationary before going Retrograde. During this period of stasis we only need to acknowledge our limitations and boundaries - Pluto will lead us to work with them more deeply once he goes fully Retrograde on the 3rd of April.

3rd April:

  • Venus enters Pisces @ 20:40 - Aphrodite enters Pisces to start off the Solar Month of April. In Hellenic Astrology, Aphrodite is in Exaltation in Pisces. She is also the diurnal ruler of the sign as well as ruling the first eight terms of the sign. This means that not only is Aphrodite at home in Pisces, she is able to effect great changes within the areas of life associated with the sign. Hellenic Astrology views the sign of Pisces as the area of life where we should let our intuition guide us and where we should have faith. We should open ourselves to Aphrodite's love and feminine intuition while she is in this sign... listening to our quiet inner voice can be most fruitful during this cycle.
  • Mercury enters Pisces
  • Pluto begins Retrograde motion in Sagittarius (starting @ 06°17' )
  • The Moon enters Aquarius

4th April:

  • The Moon is 3° north of Uranus in Aquarius @ 05:00 CDT
  • The Moon is 5° north of Venus in Aquarius @20:00 CDT

5th April:

  • Asteroid Astraea is at opposition @ 20:00 CDT
  • The Moon enters Pisces
  • New Moon in Pisces @ 23:55 CDT

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is:

A prophet carrying tablets of the New Law is walking down the slopes of Mt. Sinai

This New Moon shows us that we can recieve messages from the Gods, if only we are willing to listen; in order for us to recieve the teachings of the Gods, we need to be open to them in our lives. This would be an excellent month to look within yourself to see how your relationships with the Gods are doing... are your relationships growing? Are they stagnant? Nonexistent?

Use this month to approach the Gods through offerings, mediatation, and prayer - let them know you would like to have a relationship with them, and ask them to enter your life.

As an interesting note as to the primaries, The Sabian Symbols & Astrological Analysis by Blain Bovee, contains the following admonishments about the 22nd-23rd degree of Pisces:

Apply this [Sabian Symbol] with a mind to the awareness of prevailing standards
of privilege and power; justifications that can really burn you up. Think of
tendencies to spiritually rationalise actions and one's own position of
authority; to pontificate from an out-of-touch vantage point; intense feelings
about being the chosen one; passions that champion divine right rule. Watch for
wearing authority on one's sleeve; official uniforms; badges; the smarts to see
trouble coming; readiness to take up the fight.

This may be the Lunar Month that sees Hillary Clinton finally concede the Democratic Party Nomination to Barack Obama. Hillary's campaign has become increasingly frantic, panicked and desperate over the past Lunar Month - and this month's Sabian Symbols indicate that if she does not heed the promptings of the Gods and continues to attack Obama out of hubris and her narcissistic delusions, she will pay the Karmic Debt for her actions within the next two Lunar cycles. The fact that the PA Primary (on which she is placing all of her hope for the Democratic Nomination) occurs during the peak of the Lyrids and while the Moon is Void of Course indicate that Mrs. Clinton's hopes will be unfulfilled. Obama (despite what the Clinton campaign and MSM claim) stands a good chance of achieving a "come from behind" win. I predict Obama will win by 2-3% in the PA Primary.

Because Obama will win, I feel that the PA Primary on the 22nd will present itself as the time where Hillary can either accept defeat gracefully and exit the race, or she will implode like a dying star. If she chooses the volatile path that parallels the death of a star, she will likely be left with only a cold, dark core where a bright, shining future in politics once shone. The choice is entirely up to her.

7th April -

  • The Moon is at perigee (or 224,365 miles from Earth!) in Aries @ 15:30 CDT
  • The Moon enters Aries

8th April:

  • The Moon enters Taurus
  • The Moon passes through The Pleiades star cluster (in Taurus)

9th April:

  • The Asteroid Iris is at opposition @ 05:00 CDT

10th April:

  • Asteroid Daphne is at opposition @ 05:00 CDT

11th April:

  • The Moon enters Gemini

12th April:

  • The Moon is conjunct (1.2° north) Mars @ 02:00 CDT
  • The First Quarter Moon @ 14:32 CDT

13th April:

  • The Moon enters Cancer

15th April:

  • The Sun enters Aries
  • The Moon conjunct (0.9° south) Regulus @ 22:00 CDT
  • The Moon conjunct (3° south) Saturn @ 14:00 CDT

16th April:

  • The Moon enters Leo
  • Mercury enters Aries
  • Mercury is in superior conjunction @ 03:00 CDT

18th April:

  • The Moon enters Virgo

20th April:

  • The Full Moon in Virgo @ 18:25 CDT
  • The Moon enters Libra

22nd April:

  • Lyrid meteor shower peaks (in the constellaiton Lyra - hence the name!)

23rd April:

  • The Moon enters Scorpio
  • The Moon is at apogee (252,241 miles from the Earth!) @ 05:34 CDT

25th April:

  • The Moon entersSagittarius

27th April:

  • Venus enters Aries
  • The Moon is conjunct Jupiter (3° south) @ 01:00 CDT

28th April:

  • The Moon enters Capricorn
  • The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn @ 22:12 CDT
  • Mars conjunct Pollux (5° south) @ 16:00 CDT

Locations of the Planets in April:

  • Mercury - can be seen in the evening sky in the West

  • Mars - can be seen in the southwestern evening sky, and in the western sky closer to midnight

  • Jupiter - can be seen in the morning sky in the southeast

  • Saturn - can be seen in the southeastern evening sky, and in the southwestern sky closer to midnight

  • Uranus - can be seen in the eastern morning sky

Monday, March 31, 2008

Stop Religious Smears!

Remember: Any time someone tries to use a "religious smear" - say "That isn't true".

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Real Meaning of 4,000 Dead...

By LIEUT. SEAN WALSH Wed Mar 26, 2:20 PM ET

The passing of the 4,000th service member in Iraq is a tragic milestone and a testament to the cost of this war, but for those of us who live and fight in Iraq, we measure that cost in smaller, but much more personal numbers. For me those numbers are 8, the number of friends and classmates killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 3, the number of soldiers from my unit killed in this deployment. I'm 25, yet I've received more notifications for funerals than invitations to weddings.
The number 4,000 is too great to grasp even for us that are here in Iraq. When we soldiers read the newspaper, the latest AP casualty figures are glanced over with the same casual interest as a box score for a sport you don't follow. I am certain that I am not alone when I open up the Stars and Stripes, the military's daily paper, and immediately search for the section with the names of the fallen to see if they include anyone I know. While in a combat outpost in southwest Baghdad, it was in that distinctive bold Ariel print in a two-week-old copy of the Stars and Stripes that I read that my best friend had been killed in Afghanistan. No phone call from a mutual friend or a visit to his family. All that had come and gone by the time I had learned about his death. I sometimes wonder, if I hadn't picked up that paper, how much longer I would have gone by without knowing - perhaps another day, perhaps a week or longer until I could find the time and the means to check my e-mail to find my messages unanswered and a death notification from a West Point distro list in my inbox. The dead in Afghanistan don't seem to inspire the keeping of lists the same way that those in Iraq do, but even if they did it wouldn't matter; he could only be number 7 to me.
I'm not asking for pity, only understanding for the cost of this war. We did, after all, volunteer for the Army and that is the key distinction between this army and the army of the Vietnam War. But even as I ask for that understanding I'm almost certain that you won't be able to obtain it. Even Shakespeare, with his now overused notion of soldiers as a "band of brothers" fails to capture the bonds, the sense of responsibility to each other, among soldiers. In many ways, Iraq has become my home (by the time my deployment ends I will have spent more time here than anywhere else in the army) and the soldiers I share that home with have become my family. Between working, eating and sleeping within a few feet of the same soldiers every single day, I doubt I am away from them for more than two hours a day. I'm engaged to the love of my life, but it will take several years of marriage before I've spent as much time with her as I have with the men I serve with today.
For the vast majority of American's who don't have a loved one overseas, the only number they have to attempt to grasp the Iraq War is 4,000. I would ask that when you see that number, try to remember that it is made up of over 1 million smaller numbers; that every one of the 1 million service members who have fought in Iraq has his or her own personal numbers. Over 1 million 8's and 3's. When you are evaluating the price of the war, weighing potential rewards versus cost in blood and treasure, I would ask you to consider what is worth the lives of three of your loved ones? Or eight? Or more? It would be a tragedy for my 8 and 3 to have died without us being able to complete our mission, but it maybe even more tragic for 8 and 3 to become anything higher. View this article on

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

An Introduction to Hellenic Astrology - Zodia and Aspects

The most important concept to understand when using Hellenic Astrology is that of the zodia. Zodia are what are called "signs" in modern Astrological systems - the 30 degree divisions of the Tropical Zodiac which are named Ares, Taurus, Gemini, etc. I will give their full characteristics in another post, but for now it's enough to just know that "zodia" are the same as "signs".

Hellenic Astrology uses house=sign chart design. This is different from many of the house systems used in most modern Astrology. In Hellenic Astrology, the houses are called topoi or topos in the singular; this is Greek for "place" and has the same connotation as "house" does in modern Astrology... for example, the second topos is the topos of land, material goods, and talents. Because each topos = a single zodia, it becomes very easy to see the relationships between planets based upon the relationships between their polarity, modalities, and elements. It is the interactions between these qualities of the planets that provide the key to understanding and interpreting an aspect pattern within a chart (either personal or mundane).

The major difference between aspects as used in Hellenic Astrology and aspects used in Modern Astrology is that aspects are determined according to topoi and zodia as opposed to individual planets. For example, all planets within a single zodia and topoi are considered to be aspected to all of the planets in another zodia and topoi. The aspects that are discussed within Hellenic Astrology are often referred to as the "Platonic Aspects" as they were first outlined and described in Ptolemy's work Tetrabiblos.

The Ptolemaic aspects are:

The Opposition:
  • the planets are separated by six zodia (or 180 degrees)
  • the planets share the same polarity and modality
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the line

The Trine:

  • the planets are separated by four zodia (or 120 degrees)
  • the planets share the same element
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the triangle

The Square (also known as Quartile):

  • the planets are separated by three zodia (or 90 degrees)
  • the planets share the same modality, but have different elements
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the square

The Sextile:

  • the planets are separated by two zodia (or 60 degrees)
  • the planets share the same polarity, but have different elements and modalities
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the hexagon

The Conjunction:

  • not an "aspect" as such in Hellenic Astrology, but rather a sharing of the same Zodion by two or more planets.
  • this aspect represents the Platonic form of the point

The conjunction is important (even more important than all of the other aspects!) in that the planets that share the same zodion or "sign" are seen to work together and will influence each other within the life of the individual or during the event being studied.

The planets within the shared zodion may work together so well and with such a common mind that they combine their energies. Because the two planets (like the two Gods that represent them) are united in their goal and motivation - differing only in their personalities - they can become intimately connected. The closer that the two planets are to each other (based upon the number of degrees between them) added to whether or not they are applying (moving closer to each other) or separating (moving apart from each other), can cause the two planets to actually fuse into one force within the chart. This is especially important because even when the two planets separate later, they will still be acting in one force - just in two different places in the chart. (For example, consider an individual who has Venus and Neptune in the same zodia at birth... for their entire life, wherever Venus or Neptune are in their chart, it will act as Venus!Neptune. This means that they will often be feeling the influence of Venus!Neptune in two different topoi!)

In a future post, I will discuss polarity, the elements, and modalities - which will help to illustrate the different dynamics that each aspect will produce within a chart.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

10th Elaphebolion

Good day; Holy For:
Earth, Pan, Nymphs, and the Seasons


We are unsure who exactly Pan's parents were - there are several different traditions, all of which have equal authenticity and attestation in the mythography. It seems that the predominant tale that was accepted by later Greeks and Romans was that Hermes fathered the half-human half-goat child with a mortal woman, who upon seeing her child for the first time was so shocked by his hirsute appearance, she ran away in panic. This began the god's connection with the human emotional state of panic, which continued even into the middle ages when Pan was used in medieval imagery as the basis for the popular image of "Satan" or "the devil".

Pan's personality traits and physical characteristics are similar to other half-human, half-animal followers of Dionysus. Like most members of Dionysus' retinue, Pan prefers the wilderness and "wild" regions of Greece to the settled life of urban areas and cities; Pan is not completely human in either form or behaviour. The half-man, half-goat exterior is an allegory for the inner state of Pan.

The shocking appearance and wild nature of Pan led to his being rejected by multiple women - despite the fact that he was a highly sensual, amorous, and romantic God. Many ancient images of Pan with an erect phallus survive, and these show that not only was he associated with the fertility and fecundity of nature (human beings being a part of the natural world), but he was a God who was benevolent to those who sought to make love in natural areas.

In later Roman mythography and worship Pan was often identified with, and sometimes confused with, Silvanus and Faunus - even though all three are distinct individuals, with different patronages and duties.

Classical Text of the Day
Metamorphoses Bk I:689-721

English translation:

Mercury tells the story of Syrinx

So the god explained ‘On Arcadia’s cold mountain slopes among the wood nymphs, the hamadryads, of Mount Nonacris, one was the most celebrated: the nymphs called her Syrinx. She had often escaped from the satyrs chasing her, and from others of the demi-gods that live in shadowy woods and fertile fields. But she followed the worship of the Ortygian goddess in staying virgin. Her dress caught up like Diana she deceives the eye, and could be mistaken for Leto’s daughter, except that her bow is of horn, and the other’s is of gold. Even so she is deceptive. Pan, whose head is crowned with a wreath of sharp pine shoots, saw her, coming from Mount Lycaeus, and spoke to her.’ Now Mercury still had to relate what Pan said, and how the nymph, despising his entreaties, ran through the wilds till she came to the calm waters of sandy Ladon; and how when the river stopped her flight she begged her sisters of the stream to change her; and how Pan, when he thought he now had Syrinx, found that instead of the nymph’s body he only held reeds from the marsh; and, while he sighed there, the wind in the reeds, moving, gave out a clear, plaintive sound. Charmed by this new art and its sweet tones the god said ‘This way of communing with you is still left to me’ So unequal lengths of reed, joined together with wax, preserved the girl’s name.

About to tell all this, Cyllenian Mercury saw that every eye had succumbed and their light was lost in sleep. Quickly he stops speaking and deepens their rest, caressing those drowsy eyes with touches of his magic wand. Then straightaway he strikes the nodding head, where it joins the neck, with his curved sword, and sends it bloody down the rocks, staining the steep cliff. Argus, you are overthrown, the light of your many eyes is extinguished, and one dark sleeps under so many eyelids.

Latin, 1583 text, the University of Marburg.

Tum deus 'Arcadiae gelidis sub montibus' inquit
'inter hamadryadas celeberrima Nonacrinas
naias una fuit: nymphae Syringa vocabant.
non semel et satyros eluserat illa sequentes
et quoscumque deos umbrosaque silva feraxque
rus habet. Ortygiam studiis ipsaque colebat
virginitate deam; ritu quoque cincta Dianae
falleret et posset credi Latonia, si non
corneus huic arcus, si non foret aureus illi;
sic quoque fallebat.
Redeuntem colle Lycaeo
Pan videt hanc pinuque caput praecinctus acuta
talia verba refert -- restabat verba referre
et precibus spretis fugisse per avia nympham,
donec harenosi placidum Ladonis ad amnem
venerit; hic illam cursum inpedientibus undis
ut se mutarent liquidas orasse sorores,
Panaque cum prensam sibi iam Syringa putaret,
corpore pro nymphae calamos tenuisse palustres,
dumque ibi suspirat, motos in harundine ventos
effecisse sonum tenuem similemque querenti.
arte nova vocisque deum dulcedine captum
'hoc mihi colloquium tecum' dixisse 'manebit,'
atque ita disparibus calamis conpagine cerae
inter se iunctis nomen tenuisse puellae.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


7 Elaphebolion - 1st Quarter Moon

For the Birth of Apollo.

As today is dedicated to the birth of Apollo, I am going to dedicate this blog entry to the Sun as understood by modern Astronomy.

The Layers of the Sun

Our Sun, which is called Sol in Latin, is the star at the center of our Solar System. It is a medium size star - but even so, it is very, very, VERY large in comparison with everything else in our Solar System. The Earth and ALL of the other matter - including the other planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and dust - which orbits the Sun, is only 0.2% of the total mass of the Solar System! That means the Sun by itself accounts for about 99.8% of the Solar System's mass. Just as the Sun takes up most of the matter in our Solar System, so the Sun takes up most of what people know about Astrology - think of how many people you know who think that Astrology simply consists of "What's your sign?"

Within Astrology, the Sun is the source of our health, energy, vitality and ego. The Sun in our charts is our fundamental life force, and the Sun is the fundamental life force of our Solar System. Enormous amounts of energy from the Sun - in the form of both sunlight and heat -support the base of the food chains that make life on Earth possible via photosynthesis. The same heat and light from the Sun also drive the Earth's climate and weather. Without the Sun to give light and to warm her, Gaea would be cold, dark, and lifeless.

It is interesting to note that the Sun does not have a definite boundary like the rocky planets do; there is no definite "surface" on the Sun like there is on the Moon or Earth. The Sun is a giant ball of glowing gas - much like a giant nuclear explosion. The Sun has an inside and outside however, as shown in the picture above; the outer layers decrease in density the further away from the center of the sun one moves, until one is in the corona region which is basically a cloud of super-fast (which means they are VERY HOT) atoms and particles. The corona is what is responsible for the beauty of the diamond ring effect and eerie glow that surrounds the darkened Solar Disk when one watches a Total Solar Eclipse. The Sun also puts out a "wind" of charged particles that blows through the Solar System and into space; this "wind" is what gives us the Aurora Borealis.

What is interesting to note is that the Sun is a Population I - or third generation star - who was born out of the powerful, explosive, shockwaves that came from one or more nearby supernovae. This is interesting because Apollo is a third generation God; the Olympians were the third generation of Gods to rule the Universe. First were the Forces, ruled by Gaea and Uranus, then the Titans ruled by Rhea and Kronos, then finally the Olympians, ruled by Zeus and Hera.

Even though the Sun is the nearest star to Earth, scientists still have a great many questions about the Sun that remain unanswered. Some current topics of scientific inquiry include:
  • the Sun's regular cycle of sunspot activity,
  • the physics and origin of flares and prominences,
  • the magnetic interaction between the chromosphere and the corona,
  • and the origin of the solar winds.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Obama looks to win in Mississippi

By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer 24 minutes ago
Mississippi Democrats are deciding the last in a series of presidential contests between Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton before the two rivals settle in for a six-week battle to win Pennsylvania.
Mississippi's large black electorate in Tuesday's voting makes it fertile ground for Obama, who has swept the other Deep South states and has pulled huge margins among black voters. Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady, campaigned in the state last week, but by Monday was in Pennsylvania, where the primary is April 22.
Obama, making a final stop Tuesday morning in Greenville before flying to Pennsylvania, noted that the Mississippi delta area is struggling economically.
"We just haven't seen as much opportunity come to this area as we'd like," he told a small gathering at Buck's restaurant. "And one of the challenges, I think, for the next president is making sure that we're serving all communities and not just some communities." He then ordered eggs "scrambled hard," with turkey sausage, wheat toast and grits. The Illinois senator spent all of Monday in Mississippi, drawing enthusiastic crowds in Columbus and Jackson, the capital. At stake are 33 delegates and another chance for Obama to ease the sting of last week's losses to Clinton in primaries in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island. In Lowndes County, Miss., Circuit Clerk Haley Salazar said Tuesday there appeared to be good early participation at the polls despite wet conditions.
Obama's visit on Monday "spurred a lot of interest here. We've had a lot of people coming in and asking about registering to vote ... and we have a a lot of calls," Salazar said. With Clinton's camp saying she has little chance in Mississippi, the campaigning here focused largely on national issues.
Obama used his Monday morning visit to Columbus to try to squelch speculation that he might accept the vice president's slot on a ticket headed by Clinton. He noted that he has won more delegates, states and votes than Clinton.
"I don't know how somebody who is in second place is offering the vice presidency to the person who is first place," Obama said, drawing cheers and a lengthy standing ovation from about 1,700 people. He added: "I am not running for vice president. "I am running for president of the United States of America." Later, at a rally in Jackson with 9,000 people, Obama painted Clinton as part of the Washington establishment whose time has come and gone. The nation does not need "the same old folks doing the same old things, talking the same old stuff," he said, essentially lumping Clinton with President Bush and Republican candidate John McCain.
He accused Clinton's campaign of leaking a photograph of him wearing traditional African garments, including a turban, during a visit to Africa. That was "straight out of the Republican playbook," Obama said. "That's not real change."
Clinton has said she is not aware of anyone on her staff leaking the photo. For her part, Clinton had moved on to Pennsylvania, where she held a rally in Scranton and carefully sidestepped questions about the sex scandal threatening the political career of Eliot Spitzer, her home state governor and political ally.
"I don't have any comment on that," she said when asked about reports that Spitzer allegedly paid for sex with a high-priced call girl at a Washington hotel. "Obviously, I am sending my best wishes and thoughts to the governor and to his family," Clinton said. Obama's two Mississippi events on Monday drew heavily black audiences that cheered him unabashedly.
"I'm here because of the electricity, the energy that seems to form around Barack Obama," truck driver Jasper Clark, 53, said in an interview before the Jackson rally. "It inspired me, and it's been a while since I've been inspired politically."
Clark said Clinton "is a nice person," but among his friends and acquaintances, "I'd say it's an 8 to 2 ratio" for Obama.

Original article can be found here.

Sabian Symbols for the Mississippi Primary, with commentary

Sabian Symbols for the Mississippi Caucus:
Sun – 20 Pis 47
“Under The Watchful And Kind Eye Of A Chinese Servant, A Girl Fondles A Little White Lamb”

Moon – 4 Tau 43 (the moon moves into Taurus on the 11th)
“A Widow At An Open Grave”

The Iraq and Afghan Wars still go on, and every day more and more Americans are affected by the ravages of war. Hundreds and thousands more in both countries suffer injury, dismemberment, or even death every day. The American people are against the war, but the Bush Administration does not hear their calls for removing troops from the areas of conflict.
It seems that Hillary is little more than Bush lite on areas of the ongoing wars, military policy and international laws. To learn more about each of these areas, visit:

These facts are disturbing when you consider that most Americans favor a change in both Domestic and Foreign Social Policy – and that Hillary seems to support Republican causes and issues more than Democratic causes in these areas. I feel this Sabian Symbol being where Selene located for tomorrow’s primary is very significant; ONLY a leader whose inner motivations and emotions are in sync with those of the nation as a whole as well as Selene should be chosen by the American people. To go against this will only cause more pain and suffering for the peoples of the US, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Mercury – 24 Aqu 46
“A Butterfly With The Right Wing More Perfectly Formed”

This is an interesting Sabian Symbol, in that it symbolizes the changes that are occurring in the political landscape, as well as the current primary season. Butterflies symbolize change and transformation – many religious and spiritual groups use them as a symbol of enlightenment and re-birth. The American political system is undergoing a birth right now – both parties want to distance themselves (at least in appearance) from the Bush Administration and the corruption that has been endemic in Washington for the past eight years.

The Republican party has already chosen a candidate – John McCain, while the Democratic party is still in the throes of struggle to choose a candidate. This Sabian Symbol shows that McCain is resting right now, hoping that Hillary will win - as her receiving the nomination will make his race in November easier, and make his job of generating mud and smear simple. Hillary is trying to tear apart Obama, and thinks SHE should get to be the President on the ticket – even though she is in 2nd place… this is due to her hubris (hint: the Gods don’t appreciate hubris very much ). If Obama continues with equanimity, he will win the nomination. The strength that he will gain from battling Clinton during the Primary season will put him in top form to campaign and win the Presidency.

The Republican party is well formed at the moment, but the moment that Obama can stop worrying about attacks from Hillary and get to debating McCain, it will fall apart due to the Karmic debt of the party’s actions for the past eight years. McCain has not repudiated Bush’s endorsement – which will prove fatal in November.

Venus – 27 Aqu 35
“A Tree Felled And Sawed To Ensure A Supply Of Wood For The Winter”

People are looking to save and conserve resources at this time - not just because we are currently in a recession (that may be possibly heading towards a depression) but also from a growing concern to do more with less. This new philosophy is in response to the rampant materialism that has taken hold of the US during the past eight years. It is my belief that the Bush Administration will be seen as a decadent era of "feel-good", evangelical, prosperity-gospel mega-churches, Hummers/SUVs, materialism, Republican/Libertarian egotistical selfishness, and pollution when historians and archaeologists of the future look back at this time; those of us who have remained stead-fast and true to our principles can make a difference now.

People who looked to Bush and the Republicans are now cynical and disillusioned, as all that they worked so hard for: a McMansion in the white suburbs, two or three SUVs in the driveway, the pool in the back yard, and everything else that helped them to "keep up with the Joneses" - is now lost due to morgage scandals, credit failures and the failing economy. These people need comforting and to be taught a better way. Those of us who heed the Gods, who live in harmony with Nature and live simply can lead by example.

Venus wants us to give love and spread beauty now more than ever! Love is not a limited resource like oil... it is the most unlimited of resources... we just have to be willing to share from the store that we have within us.

Mars – 2 Can 13
“ A Man Bundled In Fur Leads A Shaggy Deer”

Jupiter – 17 Cap 16
“The Union Jack Flag Files From A British Warship”

This Sabian Symbol says that we should remember what our country was founded on. It has taken the continued sacrifice of men and women throughout the history of our nation to ensure the freedom, justice, liberty, and equality of all. Today, we have lost a sense of this equality and egalitarianism - instead conservatives’ re-written history of bigotry and hate fills blogs and news radio; people like Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter spend all of their time saying that the US is only inclusive for straight, white, Protestant Christians. It is time for us to put the pundits' ideology of hate behind us and to begin a revolution of love for our fellow man, including the poor, the oppressed, the victimised, the addicted, the forgotten, the lonely, and all of those embodied in the following photo and poem:

"The New Colossus"
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles.

From her beacon hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

--Emma Lazarus, 1883

We were a great nation once, and we can become great again. All we have to do is love one another, heed the Gods, and march forward together, free from fear and shame. It is time once again for us to become strong, united, and a people of the Gods.

Saturn – 3 Vir 56

“Black And White Children Play Together Happily”

This Sabian Symbol is Kronos’ way of telling us that we have the ability to begin walking towards the future that MLK envisioned in his “I Have a Dream” speech. Racism is still a problem in the US - as it is throughout the world - but having a Black President of the United States will show that finally, in 2008, a child of any ethnic group can truly say "someday, I'm going to be President of the United States".

This Sabian Symbol also shows us that most of our divisions and hatreds are learned - not inherent. We have to decide to define people as "the other" before we can hate them or fear them. It is time for us to look past our differences and to work together as a nation; the age of division and fear is ending. Let us accept a future of love and peace with our fellow men and women.

Uranus – 18 Pis 46

“A Master Instructing His Disciple”
One of the best known teachers and mystics in the west is Jesus of Nazareth - now I am not advocating a Christian view, but this particular Sabian Symbol brings to mind images of Jesus feeding the crowds and teaching them. Too often today, those who claim to follow Christ really follow greed, fame, popularity or power - not the simple teacher and wonder-worker who was the "Jewish son of Zeus" and taught his followers "love one another".

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are practicing Chrisitans; it will be interesting to see how each of them follows their Master's teachings.

Neptune – 22 Aqu 47
“A Big Bear Sitting Down And Waving All Its Paws”

At first I didn't know what this Sabian Symbol was doing... "What is Poseidon trying to tell us?!?!" I asked myself several times... then I heard my husband mumbling and his company's stocks "going all bear-ish". I think that Poseidon is trying to tell us that the economy isn't going anywhere for a while... we are looking at a BIG, HAIRY, BEAR market that is just sitting there waving his paws around - and if we try to make him move before he is ready, we will get mauled.

Pluto – 1 Cap 1
“Three Rose Windows In A Gothic Church, One Damaged By War”

American leaders who claim to conduct a just war in the name of their God, as George W. Bush has done, will only anger their God and lead to the death of people; this is especially true when the leaders lie to lead the nation into war.

The Christian Bible, in the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon states the following, "Do not bring on your own death by sinful actions. God did not invent death, and when living creatures die, it gives him no pleasure. He created everything so that it might continue to exist, and everything he created is wholesome and good. No, death does not rule this world, for God's justice does not die."

While we as Classical Pagans have a different concept of good and evil that does not contain the Christian concept of "sin", we can identify with this passages' statement that all created things are good in and of themselves, and that death is a part of life, not a punishment from the Gods. Because all things are good, and are from the Gods, to declare war on another people or nation is to take sides against them and their Gods. To claim that one has declared war because "God told me to" is one of the greatest acts of hubris possible. The killing of both combatants and innocents does not please the Gods, therefore we the people must stop the unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan before they lead to the downfall of the US.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Even Southern Baptists are Heeding the Gods!!!

I know, I know, is not something that you would expect to hear, but even Southern Baptists are heeding the message that Kronos is sending us about the Karma that the US has in terms of the environment and climate change. Young members of the congregation are encouraging the SBC to view Environmentalism as a social issue equal to Abortion - which seems to be their number one priority.

From the New York Times today:
March 10, 2008
Southern Baptists Back a Shift on Climate Change
Signaling a significant departure from the Southern Baptist Convention’s official stance on global warming, 44 Southern Baptist leaders have decided to back a declaration calling for more action on climate change, saying its previous position on the issue was “too timid.”

The largest denomination in the United States after the Roman Catholic Church, the Southern Baptist Convention, with more than 16 million members, is politically and theologically conservative.

Yet its current president, the Rev. Frank Page, signed the initiative, “A Southern Baptist Declaration on the Environment and Climate Change.” Two past presidents of the convention, the Rev. Jack Graham and the Rev. James Merritt, also signed.

“We believe our current denominational engagement with these issues has often been too timid, failing to produce a unified moral voice,” the church leaders wrote in their new declaration.

A 2007 resolution passed by the convention hewed to a more skeptical view of global warming.

In contrast, the new declaration, which will be released Monday, states, “Our cautious response to these issues in the face of mounting evidence may be seen by the world as uncaring, reckless and ill-informed.”

The document also urges ministers to preach more about the environment and for all Baptists to keep an open mind about considering environmental policy.

Jonathan Merritt, the spokesman for the Southern Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative and a seminarian at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C., said the declaration was a call to Christians to return to a biblical mandate to guard the world God created.

The Southern Baptist signatories join a growing community of evangelicals pushing for more action among believers, industry and politicians. Experts on the Southern Baptist Convention noted the initiative marked the growing influence of younger leaders on the discussions in the Southern Baptist Convention.

While those younger Baptists remain committed to fight abortion, for instance, the environment is now a top priority, too.

“In no way do we intend to back away from sanctity of life,” said the Rev. Dr. Timothy George, dean of Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Ala.

Still, many powerful Southern Baptist leaders and agencies did not sign the declaration, including the convention’s influential political arm, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

Dr. Barrett Duke, vice president for public policy at the commission, played down the differences between the declaration and the Southern Baptist Convention’s position.

The declaration says in fact that lack of scientific unanimity should not preclude “prudent action,” which includes changing individual habits and giving “serious consideration to responsible policies that effectively address” global warming.

The declaration is the outgrowth of soul-searching by Mr. Merritt, 25. The younger Mr. Merritt said that for years he had been “an enemy of the environment.” Then, he said, he had an epiphany.

“I learned that God reveals himself through Scripture and in general through his creation, and when we destroy God’s creation, it’s similar to ripping pages from the Bible,” Mr. Merritt said.

Article may be found here.

Red Phone Ad Spoof from SNL

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tonight's Caucus

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I just got home from the Democratic Caucus for my precinct; it was an awesome, inspiring evening. There were 61 adults (and many children of all ages) at the caucus, 17 of whom supported Clinton and the rest (44) were for Obama! Clinton recieved two of eight delegates to the state convention and Obama recieved six delegates. When it came time for each of the individuals to speak up and state why we should vote for them as delegate to the state convention - there were some very emotional and inspiring speeches.

I am so excited that people of all races and ethnicites can come out and have such a direct effect on our political system. I had become very despondent and jaded about the political system here in the US - but tonight has restored my faith. I know that come November, we the people will take the White House once again, and our eight year dictatorship will be over!

Before heading to the caucus tonight, I decided to make a chart for the caucus I would be attending tonight... and what I saw absolutely shocked me. Tonight's caucus enforced what the Gods were telling us on the previous two eclipses.... tonight's energy and emotion are a direct manifestation of the TLE in Virgo (see my blog entries for last month's eclipses to learn more) and the earlier Annular Solar Eclipse (ASE) in Aquarius. This is the beginning of the changes that are going to sweep our nation in the months and years to come.

Looking at the above chart, it is important to notice the patterns in the chart, and most of all, look at the aspect table. There are 17 conjunctions occuring! All except two of the planets and luminaries are contained within the South Eastern quadrant... the remaining two are within the North West quadrant. This is an interesting pattern of planets within the chart - without even considering the aspects (which I will discuss later) right away we notice that there is a substantial grouping of planets in Pisces and Aquarius. Standing opposite them is Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Virgo. I am going to list the Sabian Symbols for each planet, then highlight some of the more important aspects in this blog entry - and then tomorrow I will make another entry explaining further insight I gain through my dreams and meditation.

Jupiter leads the parade of the Olympians beginning at 13 Virgo 03. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is "An Aristocratic Family Tree".

Moon is at 04 Aqu 57 - "A Council Of Ancestors Is Seen Implementing Thee Efforts Of A Young Leader"

Fortuna is at 12 Aqu 29 - "A Barometer"

Mercury is at 17 Aqu 27 - "A Man's Secret Motives Are Being Publicly Unmasked" ( Bush )

Chiron is at 18 Aqu 07 - "A Forest Fire Is Being Subdued By The Use Of Water, Chemicals And Sheer Muscular Energy"

Venus is at 19 Aqu 50 - "A Large White Dove Bearing A Message" (End to the War?)

Neptune is at 00 Pis 05 - "In A Crowded Marketplace Farmers And Middlemen Display A Great Variety Of Products"

North Node is at 05 Pis 15 - "A Parade Of Army Officers In Full Dress "

Sun is at 21 Pis 53 - "A Prophet Carrying Tablets Of The New Law Is Walking Down The Slopes Of Mount Sinai"

Neptune is at 25 Pis 56 - "Watching The Very Thin Moon Crescent Appearing At Sunset, Different People Realize That The Time Has Come To Go Ahead With Their Different Projects"

Ascendant is at 29 Pis 35 - "A Majestic Rock Formation Resembling A Face Is Idealized By A Boy Who Takes It As His Ideal Of Greatness, And As He Grows Up, Begins To Look Like It".

Mars is at 26 Gem 56 - "A Gypsy Emerging From The Forest Wherein Her Tribe Is Encamped"

Midpoint (between Mars and Saturn) is at 12 Leo 12 - "An Old Sea Captain Rocking Himself On The Porch Of His Cottage"

Saturn is at 05 Vir 31 - "A Merry-Go-Round"

Midheaven is at 25 Sag 26 - "A Flag Bearer In A Battle"

Vertex is at 27 Vir 35 - "A Baldheaded Man Who Has Seized Power"

East Point is at 02 Ari 09 - "A Comedian Reveals Human Nature"

Important Aspects

Saturn and Mars are trine each other and both are inconjunct the Moon. This formation is what is called in Karmic Astrology the Yod formation. There is also a Mystical Rectangle formed between Mars, Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury/Chiron/Venus (the last three are conjunct each other) representing the elements of air, earth, fire, and water respectively (based upon the signs that each planet is in). The clumping of the Olympians is so strong that the bracketing planets form semi-square aspects (45 degree angle) to each other. This is significant.

I will present more about what I feel this chart means for the election, our country and the world tomorrow.

Peace and Be Well!