Saturday, February 9, 2008

Further Thoughts on the Feb 6th Solar Eclipse

I stated in my initial post about the Annular Solar Eclipse that when I read the chart of the eclipse and asked the Gods what they are telling us, their message was this:
"this is a time of great changes and karmic reckoning for the US"

If the leaders of the United States do not make changes, and make them fast, there are going to be real problems... For example, the latest economic analysis by the University of Michigan shows that the recession will be much worse, and last much longer than has been widely reported so far in the Main$treamMedia. This recession will last longer and affect more people that other recessions have because not only are jobs affected , but housing, food and fuel prices, as well as consumer credit are at all time highs. "Consumers must take more drastic steps to stabilize their finances in the midst of high fuel and food prices, stagnant incomes, and record debt," University of Michigan Professor Richard Curtin said.

Prf. Curtin went on to add that "a rising wealth gap will, even more than usual, lead to disproportionate pain for middle- and lower-income Americans. Growing income inequality has insulated higher income groups to a greater extent than ever before... Paradoxically, worsening economic conditions will induce families to save money, reinforcing the drag on an economy that has become largely reliant on consumer spending. "

I feel that President Bush's "economic plan" of giving certain Americans a "tax rebate" will do nothing to heal the rift in our nation, as most of the people I know will be saving the refund (if they are even eligible to recieve it) instead of spending it on consumer goods. It also does not address the key problems that have created this economic hardship in the first place: greed, hubris and a materialistic "me first!" attitude. President Bush, since he has been in power, has had great hubris - waging an Unjust War at great cost, giving tax cuts to the rich who don't need help, turning a blind eye to victims of poverty and natural disasters, and treating our soldiers and their families with disrespect. President Bush, for all his talk of God and "faith" has done more to alienate himself from the American people and the harmony of the Universe than any other President in US history. If Mr. Bush and his cabinet (as well as many other political, social and religious leaders in the US) do not wake up and have a change of heart and actions, they will be coming into a period of great Karmic reckoning. We have been living in a time that calls for responsibility for our economic and land resources as well as charity for our fellow man world wide.

This should have been apparent to our Nation's leaders since November 9th, 2003, when there was a Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus 13. The eclipse's duration - or period during which the shadow phase lasted from beginning to end according to the NASA eclipse page for the eclipse - was six hours and 6 minutes. In astrological belief, this means that this eclipse will have an effect for the next six years and six months - during which time we are to show that we are learning and integrating the message that the eclipse carries into our lives.

What message were we supposed to have learned from this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus that has an effect on all people until the year 2009? Well... let's look at the chart for the eclipse and see what lessons it contains.

First off, we notice that this Lunar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Taurus in the 11th house. It is conjunct the White House's Neptune -which implies that there will be considerable intrigues, mysteries, sacrifice, idealization and much confusion during this period for the White House (this could mean both for the Bush Administration as well as the Nation as a whole). The White House and all of the North East and New England states were within the region of totality - they could view the whole eclipse from beginning to end from these locations - which means that they should be especially aware of the messages that this eclipse contains.

Areas of life that will be affected by the 2003 eclipse in Taurus, if the leaders of our country ignore the messages and teachings of the Gods:
  • finances, property, and agriculture will be most affected

  • there will be religious disputes and travel hazards

  • the reputation of prominent persons (both political and social figures) will be in serious jeopardy from both crimes and scandals

  • the nation's popularity and respect among other nations will decrease

  • there will be issues of food shortages and a lack of humanitarian aid and benefits for those in need

  • disagreements over developments with allies; there are several elements surrounding the President which may cause him to make a false step

  • problems with commerce and shipping/transport

  • educational problems and disputes

  • strikes and lawsuits involving entertainment personalities

  • problems for workers and their rights

  • high expenditures for the military

  • coastal storms and unusual weather

(I checked my interpretation with that from Eclipses by Celeste Teal. They correlated almost exactly).

It is well known that the current administration has no regard for true faith or the teachings of any God - much less those of the Greeks and Romans; it is no surprise that our nation has been affected by all sorts of problems during this administration. We have seen all of these elements developing over the past five years within the US, and our nation is facing a bleak future. As I read this chart, I wanted to make sure I wasn't projecting onto it my own thoughts and feelings - so I checked other books, which confirmed that my reading and interpretation was correct. It seems that our government - especially the White House Administration - have failed to listen to the lessons of the eclipse of November 9th, 2003:

  1. have faith in and defend your beliefs

  2. take action for humanity's sake

  3. accept responsibilty for your actions

  4. take action now for the future

  5. avoid hubris in actions to not anger the Gods

What we have seen in the eclipse of February 6th, 2008 is the result of the US not heeding the lessons from the 2003 eclipse - the people of the nation are standing up and uniting against the Bush Administration. The sign of Aquarius adds to this solidarity and stregnth in numbers. We have been given an opportunity to enact social and political change so that we will be more in harmony with the Universe and the Gods. Here are some of the areas where attempts to make changes will be especially felt:

  • rooting out and teaching against hypocrisy

  • uncovering hidden agendas and secret plans

  • positive changes for working people and "the common man"

  • loss of land, home, domicile, and other domestic concerns

  • troubles in government

  • taxation issues

  • changes and dramatic turning points for the "war on terror"

  • leaders will enact reform based upon the will of the people

  • a more open and honest sexuality will be expressed

  • again a focus on coastal areas and environments

  • there will be changes in the climate and weather patterns

  • greater respect for and care of the environment

The presidential candidates are currently speaking out on these issues, and people across our nation are taking action for themselves in many of these areas. If there is a catch phrase or slogan that could be used to typify this time, it would be the term coined in 1969 by David Brower:

"Think globally, act locally"

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